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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Artist's Statement - Revision 2

“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today” is my favorite quote by James Dean. It has become a personal philosophy, guiding my life and my photography. I use my camera as a tool to live each day and document the reality of life. My job allows me the privilege to travel. While traveling for work, I began to photograph the landscapes that surrounded me.  My photographs became a way for me to share my visual experiences with those who cannot travel with me.  

Trees focuses on the natural beauty of trees. I appreciate the beauty of nature and the beautiful compositions that trees naturally make. I agree with the adage "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words" because pictures can convey the beauty and reality of a place quicker than words. But because I am an avid reader, I included some poetry to enhance the romanticism of the photos. 

I love studying photography. The history, the mechanics, the methods that are employed by many different photographers are so very interesting. I learn more every day reading and trying to emulate my favorite photographers. I take pleasure in attending classes and having projects to work on. These keep my mind working and involved in learning. 

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