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Monday, April 18, 2011

Artist Statement Draft

I am a photographer because I enjoy remembering where I've been and what I've seen. I enjoy sharing that vision with people who haven't been able to travel, with people who have traveled and want to relive it and with people who have traveled and don't remember. I agree with the adage "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words" because I believe pictures can convey the beauty and reality of a place quicker than words. I enjoy reading and believe that words do a good job, but a photo cuts to the chase.

I enjoy studying photography. The history, the mechanics, the methods that are employed by many different photographers are so very interesting. I learn more every day reading and trying to emulate my favorite photographers. I enjoy taking classes and having projects to work on. These keep my mind working and involved in learning. 

My current project focuses on trees. I enjoy the beauty of nature and the beautiful compositions and juxtapositions that trees naturally make. I find that in my past photo endeavors I tended to include shots of trees and nature, so I decided to focus on looking at trees in many different ways. I enjoy being out in nature so using that time to work on this project has been gratifying.

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